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WaterAid is an international not-for-profit, determined to make clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene normal for everyone, everywhere within a generation.
Only by tackling these three essentials in ways that last can people change their lives for good.
- Fanta Konaté, a member of the water management committee, collecting water from the new borehole in the village of Bamabougou, Dio-Gare commune, Kati district, Koulikoro region, Mali, October 2019. (WaterAid/ Basile Ouedraogo)

WaterAid is an international not-for-profit, determined to make clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene normal for everyone, everywhere within a generation.
Only by tackling these three essentials in ways that last can people change their lives for good.
- Kokoyeh, 8, Nancy, 6, and Lucy, 5, play with the clean water as their way of celebrating the new water pump, in Tombohuaun, Kailahun District, Sierra Leone, January 2018. (WaterAid/ Nana Kofi Acquah)

WaterAid is an international not-for-profit, determined to make clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene normal for everyone, everywhere within a generation.
Only by tackling these three essentials in ways that last can people change their lives for good.
- The joy and happiness of women from Amberomena village pictured during the water arriving celebration. Amberomena village, Belavabary commune, Moramanga district, Alaotra Mangoro region, Madagascar, September 2018. (WaterAid/ Ernest Randriarimalala)

WaterAid is an international not-for-profit, determined to make clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene normal for everyone, everywhere within a generation.
Only by tackling these three essentials in ways that last can people change their lives for good.
- "Chores are less tiring now but before apart from fetching water for our family, we had to go to the river, late in the evening and very early in the morning too to have a shower as a girl. Before, sometimes when I was too tired I went straight to bed without having a shower but now things are different for me and for the other girls in our village as water is nearby." Baholy, 14 playing with water nearby their water point in Beanamamy village, Bevato commune, Tsiroanomandidy district, Bongolava region, Madagascar, October 2018. (WaterAid/ Ernest Randriarimalala)