Friends of Bristol Eye Hospital

The Friends of Bristol Eye Hospital raise funds to improve the care and treatment of patients at the hospital.  We help to pay for medical equipment, facilities, patient comforts, staff resources and generally to support the charitable work of the hospital.  We can also help patients or former patients in distress or need.


Most of our grants provide medical equipment which is beyond the purse of the NHS; items may be the latest technology and therefore expensive, or we may provide extra items of standard equipment to supplement the NHS provision where having more means treating more patients more quickly.  Medical equipment we have provided includes:

  • Digital Angiography Imaging System (“DAISY”) to diagnose and treat retinal disease
  • Fluorescein Angiography Module for treating premature and very young babies
  • Visual field analysers for the treatment of glaucoma
  • Kelman phaco-emulsifier for cataract surgery
  • Pachymeter for use in corneal graft surgery
  • An optical coherence tomographer for retinal imaging
  • Slit-lamps and ophthalmoscopes
  • Clinical camera and microscope systems
  • Ultrasonic scanning equipment

We also provide smaller items for the comfort and care of patients.  Some examples of these over the years include: Christmas trees, TVs, toys, plants and gardens, cartoon murals for children’s area, hire & insurance of paintings, purchase and maintenance of fish tank in children’s ward.

We occasionally make grants for patients in special need, eg a walkie-talkie for a blind patient with memory lapses, an instrument to enable a blind diabetic patient to monitor their own insulin levels and a lap-top computer for a child patient with almost no sight.


To continue this vital work, we depend heavily on individual donations and legacies.  Many of those who are most generous are people who have themselves benefited from the superb treatment given by the Bristol Eye Hospital.

Registered Charity No. 274349



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Which charities can I support?

Providing you are paid through PAYE, donations can be made to any national/local charity or recognised good cause such as places of worship, schools and scout groups.

You can nominate more than one charity to benefit from your donations - and you can easily change the amount or nominated charities at any time.  If your chosen charity is not listed on this site you can still support them but please include the charity number so there is no delay in forwarding on your donation. 

A selection of charities you may wish to consider: 
Royal Society for Blind Children Kidney Kids Scotland Terrence Higgins Trust Action Medical Research Action for Mental Health Down’s-Syndrome-Scotland Action Against Hunger - DEC member Child Bereavement UK

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