PDSA is the UK’s leading vet charity, providing free and reduced cost veterinary care to sick and injured pets of people in need. It is dedicated to improving pet wellbeing, by educating owners, preventing disease and carrying out life-saving operations.The charity has 48 Pet Hospitals across the UK and provides 2.7 million veterinary treatments each year, helping over 470,000 pets and bringing peace of mind to 300,000 owners.
It costs more than £60 million to provide our veterinary care each year and with no government funding, we rely entirely on public support to continue delivering our vital service.
Registered Charity No. 208217 & SCO37585

£30M has been raised this year by employees. We are extremely proud of this!!!!

For more information
Please email the Payroll Giving in Action helpline at [email protected] or use our live chat facility if you need any assistance or guidance. This may include help with completing the donation form, details of your charitable cause, making multiple donations, calculating financial contributions etc.