Muir Maxwell Epilepsy Centre

Muir Maxwell Epilepsy Centre

There are over 600,000 people with epilepsy in the UK. We aim to revolutionise research and clinical care in epilepsy on an unprecedented scale in the UK and beyond. We welcome interdisciplinary collaboration to address the many aspects of epilepsy.

Epilepsy is a complex condition that not only effects the person living with epilepsy, but also impacts on their family’s lives too. Currently, in 70% of cases, the cause of epilepsy is unknown and 30% of children don’t respond to current treatment options. A substantial number of patients’ symptoms are not limited to just seizures. There is a vital need for research into this common neurology condition.

Our mission is to develop the very best treatments for those children and families affected by the condition by fostering collaborations between world-class scientists and clinical researchers at the University of Edinburgh and beyond.

The Muir Maxwell Centre is part of the University of Edinburgh.

Registered Charity No. SC005336