A Better Life with Payroll Giving

As a University of Edinburgh employee, you can donate to your favourite UK charity through your pay. Payroll Giving is simple and tax-effective, making sure your donations go further. 

Sign up and start giving to your favourite charity today

Charities need help now more than ever

Your donation gets deducted from your pay before you pay the taxman, making your gift tax-free. For example, if you donate £5 a month from your pay, the cost to you in your take-home pay is £4 a month. The taxman pays £1 a month and your charity receives the full £5 a month.

Start your tax-efficient donation today! 

Why give through your pay

A regular donation through your pay helps charities plan for the future. Your chosen charity relies in regular donors like you to ensure they can continue their vital work. Donate now and set up your payroll gift today!

Help your favourite charity by giving through your pay today! 

The University of Edinburgh

Do you want to help find a cure for Motor Neuron Disease? Do you want to help ensure pets of the homeless and vulnerable are checked and treated regularly, at no cost to their owners? Do you believe money should not get in the way of a person’s chance to study at the University of Edinburgh?

Wherever your passions lie – in healthcare, animal welfare, education - you can help change lives by donating to the University of Edinburgh.

Give to the University of Edinburgh today! 

Payroll Giving donations now more important than ever

Payday is the best day of the month. This payday, you can share some of that joy by giving to your favourite charity through Payroll Giving.

What are the benefits?

Payroll Giving is an easy, tax-efficient way to donate to your favourite charity. Sign up today with a regular donation and your gifts will be taken directly from your salary.

What are the benefits?

Your donation gets deducted from your pay before you pay the taxman, making your gift tax-free. For example, if you donate £5 a month from your pay, the cost to you in your take-home pay is £4 a month. The taxman pays £1 a month and your charity receives the full £5 a month.

What if I change my mind?

You can cancel your donation, change the amount or even change the charities you would like to support, at any time.


Payroll Giving Accreditation - 4 stars

£30M has been raised this year by employees. We are extremely proud of this!!!!

How much will my donation cost out of my take-home pay?

You donate   You pay
Cost to you as a 19% tax rate payer 
Cost to you as a 20% tax rate payer 
Cost to you as a 21% tax rate payer 
Cost to you as a 42% tax rate payer 
Cost to you as a 47% tax rate payer 

Many employers cover the small admin charge of 25p but if not this will be deducted from your donation.

Which charities can I support?

You can support any UK registered charity, including the University of Edinburgh.

You can nominate more than one charity to benefit from your donations and you can easily change your nominated charity or the amount you are giving at any time.
If your chosen charity is not listed on the online donation form or it is a specific area within the University of Edinburgh, you can still support them. Just make sure to include their name and charity number on the form

Below is a selection of areas within the University of Edinburgh you may wish to consider:

Free Legal Advice Centre Hope Park Counselling Centre Muir Maxwell Epilepsy Centre Euan MacDonald Centre for Motor Neurone Disease Research Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic All 4 Paws

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