The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity

The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity is the principal charity of the Royal Navy. We exist to support sailors, marines and their families for life. 
Beneficiaries are at the heart of everything the Royal Navy & Royal Marines Charity's does. Since we were established in 2007, we have funded projects and facilities which boost the morale of those who serve today. We also distribute millions of pounds annually to charities and organisations which care for the children, families and veterans of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines. 

Registered Charity No. 1117794



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Which charities can I support?

Providing you are paid through PAYE, donations can be made to any national/local charity or recognised good cause such as places of worship, schools and scout groups.

You can nominate more than one charity to benefit from your donations - and you can easily change the amount or nominated charities at any time.
If you know which organisation you want to support, enter its name as free text in the box on the form.

If you need some help deciding which charity you want to receive your donation, try using choose a charity for some ideas.
Here are just a few of the charities your colleagues support via Rolls-Royce Payroll Giving:

The Royal British Legion Toybox Leukaemia UK The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity CARE International UK - DEC member Greenpeace Concern Worldwide - DEC member The Institute of Cancer Research

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