Family for Every Child

Family for Every Child is an international development charity working to stop children growing up vulnerable and alone.

More than 24 million children grow up without parental care, their survival often threatened by greater risk of malnutrition, violence and exploitation; their future lost by missing out on school, and their childhood. Working with local partners we keep children safe when they are alone and at risk. We protect children in danger of ending up on their own by keeping families together. And we get children back to a safe and caring family, wherever we can.

Registered Charity No. 1149212



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Providing you are paid through PAYE, donations can be made to any national/local charity or recognised good cause such as places of worship, schools and scout groups.

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Here are just a few of the charities your colleagues support via Rolls-Royce Payroll Giving:

Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust Action Against Hunger - DEC member Dogs Trust Prostate Cancer UK Childrens Liver Disease Foundation National Eczema Society Enable Scotland CAFOD - DEC member

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