The Only Cancer Hospital in Pakistan

Imran Khan Cancer Appeal (IKCA) helps run the only cancer hospital in Pakistan, which offers free cancer treatment to patients who can’t afford it. Annually, at SKMCH, we are able to provide free cancer treatment to 75% of our patients. Other patients, depending on their financial situation, are offered subsidised treatment. 
Shaukat Khanum Hospital was established in Lahore in 1994, by Imran Khan. It was a first in Pakistan, as a comprehensive care facility dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Since then, and with your trust and support, we’ve grown to expand our reach. 
At IKCA, the bulk of our spending goes into the cancer care services we provide. Patients who can’t afford treatment are offered support from the outset. We cover everything from the cost of medication and pathology to treatment and surgery. 

Thank you for your support

With your help, we can provide free cancer care to destitute cancer patients in Pakistan. Your donation is saving lives.  
When faced with cancer, everyone deserves a fair fight. Yet, most cancer patients in Pakistan neither have the means nor the support system to give them a fighting chance. By donating to IKCA, you’re helping us ensure that they do. Please help keep the hope alive. 
Thank you for your support.

Pledge a monthly contribution

You can pledge a monthly contribution for the project of your choice and make an ongoing commitment to our mission of fighting cancer. This convenient mode will allow you to make a difference in the lives of cancer patients every month.

Become a Founding Donor

You can create a lasting legacy of hope by sponsoring a room/area in your name or in your loved one’s name or by becoming a Founding Donor. Your name or your loved one’s name will be inscribed on a plaque outside the dedicated room (in case of room dedication) or will be etched on a Founding Donor Monument (in case you choose to become a Founding Donor).

Fundraising Regulator Payroll Giving

As to date the Hospital has spent over Rs. 39 billion (£171 Million) in providing state-of-the-art treatment facilities to cancer patients of the region. We have embarked upon a number of expansion projects across Pakistan and need your support to continue with the mission now more than ever.

Donate Every Month
You can pledge a monthly contribution for the project of your choice and make an ongoing commitment to our mission of fighting cancer. This convenient mode will allow you to make a difference in the lives of cancer patients every month.

Project Dedications
You can create a lasting legacy of hope by sponsoring a room/area in your name or in your loved one’s name or by becoming a Founding Donor. Your name or your loved one’s name will be inscribed on a plaque outside the dedicated room (in case of room dedication) or will be etched on a Founding Donor Monument (in case you choose to become a Founding Donor).

Sponsorship of Equipment
In line with its mission statement, Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre strives to remain at the cutting edge of technology to be able to provide the highest quality care to patients. With the rapid technological advancement especially in the field of healthcare, we have to continuously invest in state-of-the-art equipment to keep ourselves at the cutting edge of technology. Your continuous support towards the Hospital has made it possible for us to do this in the past and will surely help us in meeting greater challenges this year.

The Hospital aims to acquire more medical equipment during this year and hence keep abreast with some of the best cancer centres of the world.

Sponsor a Cancer Patient
The Sponsor A Cancer Patient Programme (SACPP) allows you to assume direct responsibility for the treatment of one or more named cancer patients. This is treatment that most of our cancer patients could not otherwise afford.

As a prospective sponsor, you will be provided with profiles of patients along with the expected treatment costs which you can pay upfront as a lump sum or in installments within two years. You may choose to sponsor part of the treatment (diagnostics, surgery, radiation, chemotherapy) or you may choose to sponsor the complete treatment cost in which case you will receive quarterly updates on the wellness of the patient.

Donate a Meal
You can donate a meal for our cancer patients and help us fulfill the special dietary needs of cancer patients at the Hospital, giving them the strength to fight cancer. Each meal is prepared with specific attention to hygiene and particular nutritional needs of the patients. Donate a meal because Each Meal Can Help Heal.


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5/6. Personal Details

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6/6. Summary

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Employers details
  • : Imran Khan Cancer Appeal (UK)
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Charity details

Please note it may take up to 6 weeks for your donation to take effect depending when in the pay cycle you complete your form.