Strathcarron Hospice

Strathcarron Hospice is here today for and because of the people of Forth Valley, Cumbernauld and Kilsyth. Every year, we provide care and support to over 1,400 people with a life-limiting illness or condition, at a time when both they and their family need it most. Our philosophy is about living until you die and we ensure people have every opportunity to achieve their goals right up until the last moment. Strathcarron is an independent hospice and all of our care is provided free of charge. Our services include a 24-bed inpatient unit, Day Care, Hospice@Home, Community Nurse Specialists, Lymphoedema Clinic. We need to raise over £14.315 a day to keep these services running.

Registered Charity No. SC006704


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About Hospice UK

We are the national charity for hospice care, supporting over 200 hospices in the UK. We believe that everyone matters throughout their life right up until they die, and that no one should die in avoidable pain or suffering.

Our aim is to make sure that everyone with a life limiting or terminal condition gets the very best care, and we believe hospices are critical to achieving this.

Collectively hospices in the UK care for around 360,000 people every year, and we work closely with them to support their vital work and to create a stronger voice for hospice care. We also support the development of hospice and palliative care worldwide.


How it works

Simply by completing a donation form, you can choose to support Hospice UK, directly from your pay.

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