Help for Heroes

Starting a new life after a military career can be really tough. Overnight, you not only lose your job, but your whole way of life. You lose a support network that’s like your family. And you have to find somewhere new to live. The civilian world can feel scary, confusing and not very welcoming.

Our mission is to help all members of the Armed Forces community live well after service.

These people need your help.

Together we can support them in managing their physical and mental health, and their welfare and social needs. We receive almost no government funding. We rely on your support to be here for as long as members of the Armed Forces community need us. There are thousands more veterans and families who need your support today to be able to live well after service.


About Us

Help for Heroes was founded in 2007 to provide direct, practical support for wounded, injured and sick Servicemen,women and veterans (‘the Blokes’) and their loved ones.


Steve McCully, Help for Heroes beneficiary:

“The charity has been amazing – thanks to their support I’m now following my dream to run my own business and feel that I have a real future outside of the marines."


Theodore Roosevelt 4th July 1903:

"A man who is good enough to shed his blood for his country is good enough to be given a fair deal afterwards."

Fundraising Regulator Payroll Giving

“13 years ago, Help for Heroes made a promise on behalf of the nation to be here for our wounded heroes for life.

There was a surge in demand for our services during the first lockdown with a 33% increase in those coming forward for mental health support compared to last year and a 30% increase in referrals to our veterans’ clinical services. We can’t fail them at their time of need.

Without your support, our life-changing services are at risk.

Help us keep our promise to be here, for as long as they need us by signing up to Payroll Giving today.”


Join us now...

1/6. Please select donation type

2/6.Your employer's details

3/6. I would like to give a regular tax-free donation from my pay to:

If your chosen charity is not in the drop-down list please type the charity name in the box above. The box allows you to free-type.

Please include the registered charity number of your cause so there is no delay in identifying the correct charity you wish to support.

How much will my charity receive?

You donate   You pay
Cost to you as a 20% tax rate payer  
Cost to you as a 40% tax rate payer  
Cost to you as a 45% tax rate payer  

4/6. GDPR

Using the boxes below, please indicate which channels your charity may use to send you marketing.

Opting in to receive charity marketing communications means you can see how your chosen charity(ies) use your donations to help provide their services. "Marketing" consists of any communication which promotes a charity or its values, so could be anything from a newsletter to a specific appeal.

If you do not tick any then you may receive no contact at all from your charity, not even an acknowledgement of your donation.

We will never share your details without consent.

Click here to view our Data protection policy

Click here to view our Privacy policy

5/6. Personal Details

Please read our solicitation statement

6/6. Summary

Personal Details
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Employers details
  • : Help For Heroes
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Charity details

Please note it may take up to 6 weeks for your donation to take effect depending when in the pay cycle you complete your form.