Pancreatic Cancer UK

Pancreatic cancer is tough. It’s tough to diagnose, tough to treat, tough to research, and tough to survive. For too long it has been left behind. But together, we’re taking it on.

Pancreatic Cancer UK is here to support everyone affected by pancreatic cancer. We provide expert, personalised support and information via our Support Line, we fund innovative research breakthroughs, and we campaign for vital change.

Together, we’re making progress, but there is still more to do.
With your support, we can work towards detecting pancreatic cancer early, treating it better, and transforming the care available. You can help fund more of the vital research that is so desperately needed to revolutionise the future of pancreatic cancer, so that more people survive this devastating disease.

£8 a month could fund our research into early detection and make a breakthrough
£10 a month could buy the vital equipment our researchers need for experiments
£15 a month could fund a specialist nurse on our Support Line so they may help anyone affected by pancreatic cancer

By working together, our actions will transform the future.

Registered Charity No. 1112708


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Which charities can I support?

Donations can be made to any UK-registered national/local charity or recognised good cause, such as places of worship, schools, or scout groups.

You can nominate more than one charity to benefit from your donations, and you can easily change the amount or nominated charities at any time. If your chosen charity is not listed on this site, you can still support them. Just make sure to include their charity number so there is no delay in forwarding your donation. Please contact us via the live chat on the bottom left of your screen if you have any questions.

Below are a selection of charities you may wish to consider:

Ovarian Cancer Action Sightsavers Epilepsy Scotland Royal Society for Blind Children Crisis Marie Curie The Eve Appeal NSPCC

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