
Every seven seconds, Samaritans answer a call for help. ​They're there, day or night, for anyone who’s struggling to cope and needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure. ​Samaritans is not only for the moment of crisis, they're taking action to prevent the crisis. ​

​Samaritans gives people ways to cope and the skills to be there for others. They encourage, promote, and celebrate those moments of connection between people that can save lives. ​They offer listening and support to people and communities in times of need. ​

In prisons, schools, hospitals and on the rail network, Samaritans are working with people who are going through a difficult time and training others to do the same. ​

Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy, and Samaritans’ vision is that fewer people die by suicide. ​

That’s why they work tirelessly to reach more people and make suicide prevention a priority. 

Amanda's Story

*Name has been changed to conceal and protect identity of caller*

“The relationship started off OK but the person I was with had alcohol issues throughout our time together. I always felt low because I was constantly being put down. I wasn’t able to see my family without being grilled about where I was going. I lost a lot of friends and I became very shy and meek as my partner’s alcohol issues got worse. ​

I had to get a lot of payday loans out to fund his alcohol issues and there were times when I couldn’t even put gas and electric on. I felt I couldn’t tell anybody about it, and I just got lower and lower. ​

​Towards the end it became quite physical, quite argumentative and I couldn’t see what was in front of me. I would take myself off for walks and I would think ‘if I just disappeared now no-one would notice. If I ran off, my family wouldn’t miss us.’ ​

It was a cold night in the winter. I sat in my car and drove, I phoned Samaritans in crisis. The black mist descended, and I couldn’t see any way out of it. ​
I remember the person on the phone was the person that saved me that night. I always remember that they said to go visit a friend, so we went for a walk and had a long talk. She said I had to tell my parents what I was going through. ​

Speaking to someone [at Samaritans] who never knew me was very helpful because one of the hardest things was opening up to people close to me. ​
I’m now back living with my mam and dad, and I’ve just started a nursing degree which I’ve always wanted to do. I feel so much more secure and happier, and a bit proud. When you’re in that situation, the barriers are up and you can’t see the light at the end, that’s why I contacted Samaritans.” 

Registered Charity No. 219432


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