Down’s Syndrome Scotland’s vision is that society fully accepts and includes people with Down’s syndrome. 

Every day we support families and people with Down’s syndrome to reach their fullest potential by providing a range of services, influencing public policy and by changing attitudes. We urgently need funding to help families who are struggling right now.

People with Down’s syndrome tell us they want to be active members of their communities, they want to be visible, valued and included.

Every month we receive calls for help from family members worried about the mental health of their son, daughter, brother or sister due to loneliness, isolation or exclusion.

Your donation is vital. Because of you, our committed Family Support Team can connect with every person with Down’s syndrome in Scotland who need us – please donate and help improve the quality of life of everyone with Down’s syndrome living in Scotland. 

Here are just some of the ways your regular Pay As You Earn donation can make a difference today:

£5 Will provide a ‘welcome to the world’ signing book for parents of new-born babies with Down’s syndrome

£10 Will help us tackle loneliness & isolation among teenagers with Down’s syndrome

£21 Will enable us to keep our helpline open for all families in need

£50 Helps us deliver training to health, social care and education specialists that promotes people of potential & tackles prejudice

£100 Will provide online wellbeing sessions for adults with Down's syndrome

Registered Charity No. Registered in Scotland No. 356717 Scottish Charity No. SC011012


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About Cancer Research UK

We pioneer life-saving research to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured.

From our volunteers and supporters to our scientists, doctors and nurses, we're all here to save more lives by preventing, controlling and curing all cancers. Together, we're leading the world in discovering and developing newer, kinder treatments and getting closer to cures. As a result we've helped double survival rates in just 40 years.

But we can't stop there. Every two minutes someone in the UK is diagnosed with cancer and this statistic is getting worse. We don't receive Government funding for our research, so every step towards beating cancer relies on every pound donated. Research saves lives and our work is critical to ensuring more people beat this devastating disease.

Sooner or later we will find a way to cure all cancers. Let's make it sooner

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