Against Breast Cancer

Against Breast Cancer is a charity dedicated to funding ground breaking research to improve detection and increase survival after breast cancer diagnosis.
Our expert scientists use one of the largest collections of breast cancer patient samples in the UK to look for vital information that could identify the spread of the disease.

More women are surviving breast cancer every year. Against Breast Cancer’s research looks at the whole woman through three interlinked areas of research -
biochemistry, immunology, and diet and lifestyle.

The charity’s research is studying new ways that could help doctors identify and treat secondary breast cancer faster and more effectively and our ultimate aim is to find a vaccine.

Our national Diet & Lifestyle study is one of the largest in the world looking at the effects of diet, lifestyle and complementary treatments on breast cancer and long-term survival. Your support is vital for Against Breast Cancer to continue its innovative research to develop ways to improve detection and survival after diagnosis so women and men can look forward to a future free of breast cancer.

Registered Charity No. 1121258


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About Cancer Research UK

We pioneer life-saving research to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured.

From our volunteers and supporters to our scientists, doctors and nurses, we're all here to save more lives by preventing, controlling and curing all cancers. Together, we're leading the world in discovering and developing newer, kinder treatments and getting closer to cures. As a result we've helped double survival rates in just 40 years.

But we can't stop there. Every two minutes someone in the UK is diagnosed with cancer and this statistic is getting worse. We don't receive Government funding for our research, so every step towards beating cancer relies on every pound donated. Research saves lives and our work is critical to ensuring more people beat this devastating disease.

Sooner or later we will find a way to cure all cancers. Let's make it sooner

How it works

Simply by completing a donation form, you can choose to support Cancer Research UK, directly from your pay.

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