Payroll Giving Month

Last year, employees raised £48M through Payroll Giving, each choosing their favourite causes to support.

Payroll Giving is tax-free, so it costs less to give more. Every £5 donated costs no more than £4! You can start, stop, or change your donations at any time.

Join Payroll Giving and make a difference.
We’d love to hear from you! Please click 'get started' to set up your donations, or contact us via the live chat if you have any questions. 

Fundraising Regulator Payroll Giving

Payroll Giving is the easiest way to make a regular tax-free donation to whatever cause you’d like to support.

Donations are taken each month from your salary before tax, which means more money goes to charity.

Payroll Giving is a valuable, long-term source of income for charities. Regular donations help charities budget and plan ahead, helping them make a lasting difference.

Help any causes close to your heart with a donation from your pay and make payday even better.

APGO Quality Mark - bronze Award
Payroll Giving Accreditation - 4 stars


Join us now...

1/6. Please select donation type

Donations will be taken once a month

2/6.Your employer's details

3/6. I would like to give a regular tax-free donation from my pay to:

If your chosen charity is not in the drop-down list please type the charity name in the box above. The box allows you to free-type.

Please include the registered charity number of your cause so there is no delay in identifying the correct charity you wish to support.

How much will my donation cost out of my take-home pay?

You donate   You pay
Cost to you as a 20% tax rate payer  
Cost to you as a 40% tax rate payer  
Cost to you as a 45% tax rate payer  

4/6. GDPR

Using the boxes below, please indicate which channels your charity may use to send you marketing.

Opting in to receive charity marketing communications means you can see how your chosen charity(ies) use your donations to help provide their services. "Marketing" consists of any communication which promotes a charity or its values, so could be anything from a newsletter to a specific appeal.

If you do not tick any then you may receive no contact at all from your charity, not even an acknowledgement of your donation.

We will never share your details without consent.

Click here to view our Data protection policy

Click here to view our Privacy policy

5/6. Personal Details

Please read our solicitation statement

6/6. Summary

Personal Details
  • :
  • :
  • :
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  • :
  • :
Employers details
  • : Bath Spa University
  • :
  • :
Charity details

Please note it may take up to 6 weeks for your donation to take effect depending when in the pay cycle you complete your form.

If you are setting up Payroll Giving donations to replace any giving you currently do via Direct Debit, please remember to cancel your Direct Debit.