Action for Children

Every child should have a safe and happy childhood.

At Action for Children, we protect and support vulnerable children and young people across the UK. We work in 372 services in local community across the UK, in schools and online, and campaign for lasting change. Last year, we helped more than 687,000 children, young people and families.

In our nurseries and children’s centres, staff make sure children get the best start in life. Our foster and modern residential services find children stable and happy homes.

We protect those who have been abused or neglected, and help children who care for others or find themselves homeless. And innovative projects like the Blues Programme give young people the help they need to look after their mental and emotional wellbeing.

We’ve been helping children and young people for 150 years. But we can only continue our work with your support.

Action for Children is a charity (1097940/SC038092) and a company limited by guarantee (England and Wales No. 04764232)

Fundraising Regulator Payroll Giving

Make a difference to the UK's most vulnerable children

Child poverty isn’t something that happens elsewhere. Right now, 4.3 million children in the UK are growing up in families without enough money to make ends meet.

Your donation could help put food in the fridge for a family in need, pay for essential bills, and help to protect children's mental health from the devastating impact of poverty on innocent childhoods.

£5 a month could provide a young person living in poverty with some much needed toiletries.
£10 a month could provide lunch for a child for a week.
£15 a month could provide up to 30 minutes of intensive support to a family where children are at risk of neglect.


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6/6. Summary

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