Action for Mental Health
Action for Mental Health is made up of three leading mental health charities, Rethink Mental Illness, Together and Bipolar UK, working in partnership to make sure everyone affected by mental health problems gets the support, information and help they need. We are committed to eradicating the stigma and discrimination faced by so many people on a daily basis, by ensuring that mental health is a priority for decision makers.
Bipolar UK website:
Rethink Mental Illness website:
Together website:

£30M has been raised this year by employees. We are extremely proud of this!!!!

For more information
Please email the Payroll Giving in Action helpline at enquiry@payrollgiving.co.uk or use our live chat facility if you need any assistance or guidance. This may include help with completing the donation form, details of your charitable cause, making multiple donations, calculating financial contributions etc.