Alzheimers Society
Who we are:
Alzheimer's Society is the UK’s leading dementia charity for care and research – acting as a vital source of support and a powerful force for change for everyone living with dementia.
Dementia is the UK’s biggest killer, with over 900,000 people currently living with it. And this number is only set to rise further to a staggering 1.6 million by 2040. That’s why, now more than ever, we need your support to ensure that no one faces dementia alone, now or in the future.
What we do:
Your support will help fund our dedicated support services, such as our incredible team of telephone dementia advisers on our Dementia Support Line. Through specialist advice, support and an empathetic listening ear, our dementia advisers offer a lifeline, to help people navigate the everyday challenges dementia brings.
We believe that research holds the key to a better world for people living with dementia. Since we were founded in 1989, we have invested £124 million into dementia research. These investments are paying off. For the first time, we are seeing disease-modifying drugs slow down the progression of thinking and memory problems in early-stage Alzheimer’s disease. But this is just the beginning, and there is so much more we need to do. New treatments are an important catalyst for change, but they will only ever be a part of the puzzle. We need to ensure that the large number of people with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias who aren’t eligible for treatment don’t get forgotten. Everyone with dementia needs access to an early diagnosis and the care and support it can unlock.
Together, we are help and hope for everyone living with dementia.
Registered Charity No. 296645

£30M has been raised this year by employees. We are extremely proud of this!!!!

For more information
Please email the Payroll Giving in Action helpline at enquiry@payrollgiving.co.uk or use our live chat facility if you need any assistance or guidance. This may include help with completing the donation form, details of your charitable cause, making multiple donations, calculating financial contributions etc.